Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Visby, Sweden

Today I wish I were in Visby, Sweden. It looks like a great city on the island of Gotland in Sweden. Why Visby you may ask? Well for one it should be cooler and less humid there than it is where I am and secondly it just looks like a great vacation spot. Which it apparently is for many Scandinavians every year and August is apparently when tourist season is at its peak there. It has a lot of historical interest from the Vikings to the Hanseatic League. It is also a UNESCO world heritage site and is arguably the best preserved medieval city in Scandinavia.

It has a city wall that they call the Ringmuren or "the Ring Wall", which encircles the city and the old church ruins of St. Katarina's which are also there. Both look mighty picturesque. If you appreciate old ruins and food like I do a lunch or maybe some tea or coffee at the Cafe that St. Hans and St. Per has been turned into would be a nice place for a rest. Which, if they have sounds like a great place for a Saffron pancake, which is a Gotland specialty. Oven made pancake with saffron and rice pudding, served with whiped cream and salmbärs jam. Yum!

Another interesting place to visit is the 12th century Cathedral dedicated to St. Mary. It has these really awesome black roof things that to me are like the Swedish version of the Russian Onions maybe. I love churches and this one looks like it would be really unique and worth the visit.

More information:


Notice: Images confiscated from http://catrinr.typepad.com/everyday_life/travel/ they do not belong to me. I have never been to Sweden, but maybe one day.

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